When the new Nintendo Switch OLED got its official entry, all of its content and even a little bit of time, just like what it used to expect was a new model Pro. And then we all try to think of the OLED scarecrow that can solve the problem of burning-in.
To tugliere a tutti noi un peso uno youtuber ha deciso di immolare One of its Nintendo Switch OLEDs is coming to portable console port Limit estremo. The diminutive way to actually realize the burn-in eventuality of the OLED screen of the new Switch is a non-problem. The portal console is still inflatable tenuta accesa per 150 giorni Consequently, I took a first stress test, including from the YouTuber site, which was set at 75 years.
Il test di resistance è stato condotto con una schermata fissa Presented by The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and the Spoof Era for the first time we see two or more utilizos with elemental fissi nell’s interfaith utente potevano iniziare a formarsi i problem ghosting ovvero una ombratura dello schermo.
Nintendo switch OLED, the burn-in is not a problem
Come see the story Bob Wulff With a video published on your YouTube channel Wolf’s Den, don’t help it problem The burn-in for the new Nintendo Switch with OLED screen. O Maglio, the scorpion from top to bottom is a certified type of stress test finishing oviae to produce phenomenon di ghosting ma ci sono volute 3600 ore Buy schizophrenia from sciatica. 3600 ore sono l’equivalente di 150 giorni, dividend semplicemente 3600 per 24.

What it means to survive danni on the top of the scroll of the Nintendo Switch occorrerebbe giocare ininterrottamente with an interfaith utente always fissa senza dormire, senza mangiare e senza fare nient’altro che non giocare tenendo semper poi lo schermo in attività. Qualunque elemento fisso Dell’s interfaith utility has come a long way lungo to potter generate a problem allo schermo.
The diminutive with 3600 ore segue il first tentative già fatto semper dallo stesso youtuber con 1800 ore, equivalenti a 75 giorni utilizo continua e costante. Wolf decides to communicate non fermarsi e di portare veramente all’estremo The game of Nintendo Switch OLED to see how many miles away or effectively the eventual problem of ghosting might have given rise to the problem. The previews of youtuber sono di almeno altre 1800 ore. And the last test is still there batteria. To make the Nintendo Switch the first regimen evolution for every time it is collegata a presa di corrente. The duration of the battery with the setting is much higher 8 ore. The new performance is more than just ragguardevoli.