When you logged in to your computer this morning, data privacy was probably not the first thing you thought. The same goes for when you open your phone to communicate on social media and check emails, turn on your smart TV for family movie nights, or all the other ways we regularly use our connected devices in our daily lives.
Although we live in an increasingly connected world, most of us rarely think about data privacy unless we compromise our personal information. However, we can take proactive steps to help ourselves and our loved ones navigate this environment safely. January 28thM – Also known as Data Privacy Day2 – We have a fair chance to take ownership of our privacy over time to secure the data. By prioritizing data privacy, you and your family can enjoy the freedom to live your connected life online, knowing that your information is secure and accurate.
Data Security vs. Data Privacy
Did you know that there is a difference between data protection and data privacy? Although the two are intimately involved, each has different characteristics that set them apart. National Today3 Provides a useful analogy to define two:
- Data security is like putting a bar on your window to make it harder for someone to enter your home (to protect against potential threats).
- Data privacy is like dragging window shades so that no one can look inside to see what you’re wearing, who’s with you or what you’re doing (making sure only those who are authorized to access data can do so).
At this point, we already know not to share our password or PIN number with anyone. But what about the data that companies collect when we sign up for an email newsletter or create an online account? Often, we trust these companies to protect the personal data collected from us in exchange for their right to use their products and services. However, with a few exceptions, personal information collected by companies is not considered private by default. For this reason, it is up to us to take our data privacy into our own hands.
The evolution of data breaches
Since we spend most of our day online, a lot of our information is available on the Internet. But what if one of your favorite online retailers experiences a data breach? This is the reality in the world we live in now, because data breaches are on the rise and hackers are constantly looking for clever, new ways to access our devices and information.
Thanks to the COVID-19 epidemic, we have become more reliant on technology than ever before. Whether it’s for distance learning, online shopping, mobile banking or remote work, we’ve relied on our devices and the internet to stay connected. But over time, that is likely to change. For example, with the massive increase in remote work since the outbreak of the epidemic, hackers have hijacked online meetings using a technique called ‘zombing’.4. ‘ This happened after sharing personal data with online conferencing companies Facebook, Google and LinkedIn. Additionally, the record number of patient violations in the healthcare industry reached 21.3 million in the second half of 2020 due to an increase in remote interactions between patients and their providers.5.
In the case of data breaches, any business is a potential target because virtually every business is online in one way or another. When you put it in perspective, it’s important to consider what information they have from the companies you’re buying from. Although a gaming service may have different information about you from your insurance company, you should keep in mind that all data is valuable and you should take steps to protect it as much as you can afford.
Protect your privacy with McAfee
Your browsing history and personal information are private, and we at McAfee want to keep it that way. Uses McAfee Secure VPN, You can browse with confidence knowing your data is encrypted.
Take more control of your data Privacy, With your online safety health monitoring McAfee’s safety score. This tool provides simple steps to improve your security And you will find out how safe you are online, which is the first step towards a safer, more confident home Connected Lifee. Check your personal safety score here.
Here are a few more tips to keep you at the top of your data privacy game:
1. Update your privacy and security settings. Start with the websites and apps you use the most. Check to see if your accounts are private or open to the public. Also, see if your data is being leaked to third parties. You want to select the most secure settings available, although you are still able to use these tools properly
2. Lock down your login. Protect your logins by making sure you’re creating long and unique passphrase for all your accounts. Use multi-factor identification, when available.
3. Protect your family and friends. You can make a big difference by encouraging your loved ones to protect their online privacy. Helping others build strong security practices while creating their digital footprint makes us all more secure.
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This is Data Privacy Day: How to Stay Safe in 2022 first appeared on the McAfee blog.