The PlayStation Plus is a very important change for all customers who must be able to celebrate.
I came PlayStation Plus This is going to be a popular subscription among all those who have a console from a Japanese company In fact, we’re talking about the type of subscription needed to be able to get all the benefits of owning a PS4 or PS5. For example, think of the many discounts reserved for customers who can save significant money over time by purchasing games. PS Store. It is also possible to save your progress in the cloud and thus there is no fear of losing your reserve in case of problems or failures. Only customers can play online video games with friends and strangers.
Then there are the most talked about and discussed games of the month for PlayStation Plus 7 There are many who are every month Download the free video games of the month And it allows you to constantly and fairly inexpensively expand your title library. Okay, here comes some very interesting news for those who have subscribed to the service.
PlayStation Plus, Sony changes the rules for customers
New PlayStation Plus has already started rolling out in Asia, With many users who are testing the beta service. Well, there was a very critical issue that annoyed the users and caused a lot of discussion online, not least. In recent days, in fact, some users who took advantage of some of the offers in the PS Store have subscribed to the PlayStation Plus and probably paid. 40 euros a year instead of 59 eurosThey saw 19 euros saved the load as an additional transaction cost To the next level, then PS Plus Extra or Premium. Clearly, this has not had a positive effect on gamers, who have reacted to the allegations, and many of these decisions have been based on PlayStation tactics.
Okay now, all the players in question are reporting, it looks like that Sony turned around. In fact, the money saved by purchasing a PlayStation Plus subscription is no longer loaded as an additional expense to switch to another level. A decision guided by common senseWhich leads to the question of whether the problem encountered by some users was actually a bizarre system bug, far from a bizarre and divisive decision by Japanese management.