The Pokémon Company has announced its launch manga in official Pokémon Uniteavailable free of charge italiano and the idea of consenting to the pleasures of the scorpion and the secrets of the Heos. It will be the last time you have the energy to fight and fight your Pok Unmon unit, but it will always go away.
Apparently it is available only and primarily due to the capitolis, with the procedure that successfully publishes. Leggiamo la sinossi ufficiale dei capitoli 1 and 2:
CAPITOLO 1 – AEOS ENERGY: The first contact with Phos, the professorship of Heos, who brought his adventures to the fianc de of the original Pokémon from Dell’isola and how the Abyssinian spirits came and Erbie made the Lotte Unite competitors.
CAPITOLO 2 – ZIRCO’S HOLOWEAR: an episode all about the hollowear with zirco, colui che mixa scontri e moda per rendere le Lotte Unite ankora più emojionanti.
If you are interested in the official manga of Pokémon Unite in Italian, then read the official page of the official site: