There is a separate world dedicated to mods in the video game business, and these are usually dedicated to changing characters for others in certain titles, which is much more applicable to current games on the platform. steamThere were clear examples of this Mortal Kombat 1 For their part recently, they also use well-known faces within the company. NintendoAnd the Japanese aren’t too happy about it, so they set to work so they don’t mario In inappropriate situations.
Recently he announced himself to the society play bananaThe owners of Plumber have just launched over 60 DMCA complaints, which means that there is a lot of content that they need to remove, not only in character skins, but also some title changes e.g. Zelda. Added to this are the additional maps and game modes they have included Super Smash Bros. Ultimate This has been affected by legal attacks.
Here is part of the statement reported:
Content that receives a valid DMCA takedown request must be removed from the site. Takedowns can be appealed through a support ticket. To view the content of the takedown request, please contact the administrator who performed the takedown.
Users of this community, Waikootaru, expressed its intention to file a counter-notice questioning the validity of the takedown notice. If these become valid, Nintendo There will be 14 days to reply accordingly. Meanwhile, Mod Zelda Mega has been uploaded.
Through: Nintendo Life
Author’s Note: Nintendo recently took several legal actions against these sites, Garrus mod also went through it and I don’t think it will end there.