On August 12, 2022, Sony found a new solution system update for PS4. Parliamo dell ‘update 9.60 That, as if you could expect, would occupy the most important placements in the system. Il peso è di 900 MB.
On the console of the console, and PS4 giants have been able to download the update 9.60. If you do not understand the aggregator, as always, you will not be able to use the network services on the console. La patch note ufficiale Simply put: “This software update is the best system presentation of the system”.
If you have any questions about this topic, please contact us. PS5. We are happy with this new version of PlayStation 5.
Come on in, take a look and enjoy yourself! Nell caso nale quale troviate modifiche “nascoste” dell’update 9.60 di PlayStation 4, fatecelo sapere nei commenti.