Creator of a mod i am a for GTA For its mode is completely closed Take two. Mods were reported earlier this week. sensitive road for GTA V Made by blocks, which use i am a To create free conversations with NPCs.
Now the list sensitive road inside NexusMods And a video of it YouTube Its gameplay is unavailable due to copyright claims by the publisher Take two. sensitive road It is no longer available for download Block issued a statement YouTubeDetailed how-to video initially YouTube and in the installation guide netlify was removed without notice by Take two. This mode is followed by removal NexusMods due to a deletion DMCA of Take two.
“There is no one from Take-Two Interactive contacted me or asked me anything before, they just removed the video out of the blue,” said Block, who believes it was an intentional manual DCMA takedown request and not an automated one.
“I have to say, grew up with this series Grand Theft Auto And having enjoyed all the games over the years, this hostile attitude towards me and the mod is very discouraging.
Block explains that he is willing to discuss the situation Take twoInstead, however, the publisher “opted for a non-communicative approach.”
“If the real reason for this deletion is really that I’m using GTA V In the video, one can then ask, whether to use GTA V Reasons for copyright claims on videos, how is it possible that there are millions of videos YouTube Showing or creating videos for over a decade without any problems at this point? Unfortunately, this seems like an excuse to attack and take a stand against the mod.”
Block notes that the mod was available to download for free and was open source, not using voices from it GTA V Nor did he distribute anything inappropriate.
“I’m a single modder who does this for fun in my spare time, so I don’t have the resources to legally defend myself in this situation. Honestly, I don’t even want to spend time on it,” Block said.
“Knowing that large corporations can issue claims based on arbitrary reasons, which can nullify your work in a matter of moments, is terrifying, to say the least.”
Block concludes his speech with a quote music star From a post about role servers:
“Rockstar Games Always Reasonable believes in fan creativity and wants creators to show their passion for our games.”
music star It allows mods for its single player games, but not online multiplayer, although this is rarely implemented. However, last week the company announced that a group of previously banned RPG modders are now official partners music star.
Through: Eurogamer
Editor’s note: Double talk, right? At the end of the day, the game belongs to Rockstar and they will remove content whenever they want or ban whoever they want.