Ilari Kuittinen – managing director of Housemarque Returnal riesca a trovare un New public thanks to PS Plus. The information è the status of the data of the BAFTA 2022, the quote of the game è the status of the Game of the Year.
Kuittinen asserted that “come sapphire, è passed a pole from the publications. The director will tell you that the PlayStation game “Osino provare” Returnal. “There is no such thing as a secret, if you want to, it is easy to get into trouble.
For how much more The tip of the iceberg That Returnal has taken the house of DNA in Housemark, the lead designer Henri Mustonen has said: “The gameplay has always been the first. si fondano semper di più andando avanti “.
If you add that Returnal ha fatto “salti enormi” per “rendere [la narrazione] A part of the central dell of experience.
“We’re sure we’ll continue to do more, but we’re really trying to find something that is unique and consistent with Returnal. “Sono entusiasta di vedere kosa potremo fare e kosa potrebbero fare gli altri con questo tipo di narrazione che non è così lineare, che non è così guidata.”
One of the winners of BAFTA 2022.