Its next adventure Kratos and his son Atreus There is nothing to begin with Ragnarok is the god of warWhich is why Ken is a particular parody Rick y Morty A few weeks ago. However, there is something lacking among the Latin American public, and of course, it is dubbing, but it seems that this request was implemented only a few hours ago.
on its official account play station Said, advance release but now voice Juan Guzman famously Rick Sanchez, who are apparently shaving lives in this epic adventure. He has us by his side Barrier adder as Morty. Everyone is playing the main characters in the creation Santa Monica Studios.
It’s worth mentioning that the only way to view parodies is through accounts Instagram of the company, although it will probably be released later Youtube o Twitter. It is also shown play station Our region is attracting more attention, although specific details are still pending, e.g PS Plus complete
Remember that Ragnarok is the god of war Launched on November 9 play station 4 y PS5.
Through: Instagram