Just put up for sale today Saint row, the reboot of the franchise that was born many years ago, and it promises to return to the roots for the taste of discerning users. And despite it being an acceptable game, many media agree that they find it to be bad, which is why they have been quite harsh in particular criticism.
Right now the game is average 63 inside Metacritic, a fairly low score for an open world proposition, and it’s almost even among users who vote casually. So many agree that it’s not a great launch, especially due to the specific issue of not innovating enough compared to past deliveries.
Here are some review comments:
The AV Club
Saints Row is a confusing game on multiple levels. I can’t say I didn’t have fun with it – open-world gaming has a compulsive joy that’s hard to control, no matter how determined the game seems to be to keep its players from having too much fun. … His tonal issues are, oddly, a function of making his characters too likable rather than not likable enough. And it desperately wants you to think you’re having fun, without giving players concrete steps to do more than run through a very routine loop.
Game Radar
My experience with Saints Row was enjoyable and more than frustrating at times – sometimes it feels like Volition is on the verge of a breakthrough in both social feedback and open-world game mechanics, while other times it feels like it’s stagnant. I love the new cast of characters and what they represent to the marginalized members of the community who will play this game, and the story is compelling enough to persevere in the face of some annoying bugs. There’s solid gameplay, and a lot of fun with the new Saints series, but I think the team would have taken the idea and taken it to the bank before the bank robbery.
This year’s remake of Saints Row has a sunny atmosphere filled with heists, hijinks and clever pranks. While the series has always been overshadowed by Grand Theft Auto, it shines when it does what it always does best: swapping GTA’s cynicism for gonzo humor and serious character portrayals. While not as rich or mechanically satisfying as GTA V, the new Saints Row makes up for it with a perfect balance of comedy and engaging storytelling. That is, if you can play it without game-breaking bugs.
If you enjoyed the previous Saints Row games, you’ll probably like this one, and if you’ve never played it, it’s a decent onboarding point. If you were a fan of Saints Row 2 but found the later entries in the series too aggressive, you should give the new one a try. It still has that comic series edge, but it doesn’t break the goat. However, it’s worth noting that while the game disappointed me at times and the core loop wasn’t particularly new or innovative, it’s the first game I’ve reviewed in years where I finished it, wrote the review, and then went back and started playing. just for me
The new Saints Row ditches its shark-jumping goofiness and goofiness in favor of a return to its open-world gang roots. …while chasing collectibles and rampaging is fun enough, the outdated mechanics and repetitive mission design meant that by the end of my time with the new Saints series I was desperate for something that could really surprise me in the face. Face with a 40 inch dildo.
Remember that Saint row Available at PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S and PC.
Through: my box