Stands to count how much we’re looking for, even on the piano of Samsung with the launch of a 200-megapixel photo camera. Ecco tutti i dettagli
Soprattutto negli ultimi anni, il comparto fotografico Assuming a ruolo di prim’ordine quando si treats a new smartphone. The best of the best, the best of the best. There is a case where the ultimate top gamma pongano is the point of exclusive slip proprietary photography, always more than just a professional.
A tal proposito, pare che Samsung This is a new sensor ISOCELL HP3 from 200 megapixels. The information about his state rivelate from GalaxyClub, the second cui and lavori sono già a buon punto. In this case, the communication, hardware component is not exclusive to the exclusive smartphone launches.
Samsung, all of them with their 200 megapixel photo camera
Come anticipate the Galaxy Club, on the piano Samsung ci sarebbe il lancio di un sensor fotographico da 200 megapixels. Il nome scelto ISOCELL HP3, con una superficie da 1 / 1,22. Not only this, with the help of this technology you can do a lot of interpolation technology to have a great resolution. This section dedicates some hardware to the device that is concentrating particulate matter on the set of the photocamera, along with various marquee strains that have been reported on the top of the device.
Because the sensor is installed, it is not possible for any information to be found on the smartphone. With probability, potrebbero arrives innumerable for the new Galaxy Z Fold 4 and Z Flip 4, due to the fact that Samsung presents the original estate. However, it does not exclude any other major additions from acquiring licenses to utilize the hardware component of their device. In this case, the balance between declaring the best device will be represented by the software, other elements fundamentally when it comes to resolving the final issue.