Follia o genialità? Secure the corps in the case of Samsung no manca. I really don’t know how to introduce a super sapphire to the mercato and loo pieghevoli, but this volta l’astella si è alzata, o meglio, allungata, fino a trenta centimeters!
If you think about it with all your friends foldable on Samsung… beh dovrete ricredervi. The core of Colorano, after all immensely sold multiple model models, da Z Flip a Z Foldsembrerebbe avere in mente qucosa di mai visto prima. The technology is based on folding, cosmopolitan products, not just products Samsungma anche da OPPO, Xiaomi, Motorola And always more interesting, simply because of its typos.
Una prima così chiamata foldable a second, more recent, rollable. The first permeability of panels and panels on their stairs, intercommunication or ornamental, raddoppiando fatto the superficial display. The second permeteral permeability of the arrowrooters on its seas, giving the impression of all-encompassing magically nille mani de fortunati possessori.
Dal web un brevetto pazzo: ecco come saranno and rollable del futuro
Ed è proprio nella dirzione de rolable che quest’timo brevetto, condiviso dai colleghi di Let’s go digital, punta dritto. In a good sense, a disposition that chiuso sembra a “normalisimo” Samsung Z Flipuna volta aperto si allunga – o meglio, si srotola – fino alla lunghezza record di 30 centimeters. Quasi il doppio rispetto a Z Flipwhich is a voltaic apparatus if the “soli” 16,6 centimeters in the lungs.
The technology that promotes results in an innovative way and offers a new opportunity to improve the future of disposable resources. The fat, which can only be determined as a brand of smartphone, is only in its prime. Cèè ancora tanto da esplorare, sia in termini technologists – Volleyball material, quality and quality of panels – in its terminals form factor e utilizzo comodità. Samsung is always looking for tips and tricks on this merchant solution – insomnia is one of the most popular entries ever. Apple nel panorama degli smartphone foldable.