Qualcomm introduced the new Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 at this year’s Snapdragon Summit. The flagship SoC will be used in many high-end smartphones next year. With the Xiaomi 14, a smartphone based on the new chip is even being launched this year. The SoC is said to bring a significant increase in performance over the last generation and offers significantly more AI features. But how does Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 compare to its predecessor?
There have been a lot of rumors about the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 in the past few weeks. Now Qualcomm has let the cat out of the bag and officially unveiled the chip. The SoC uses a new Kryo CPU based on the current ARM v9.2 architecture and relies on a modified cluster layout. Instead of a 1+4+3 cluster, there is now a 1+5+2 configuration, which uses a Cortex-X4 as the prime core with 3.3 GHz. There are also now five Cortex-A720 performance cores (3x 3.3 GHz; 2x 3.0 GHz) and two Cortex-A520 efficiency cores with 2.3 GHz. The SoC is manufactured in the N4P manufacturing process at TSMC.
Snapdragon 8 Gen 3: Up to 33% faster CPU
Much more exciting than the structure is the actual performance that the SoC brings to the road. Unfortunately, we don’t have a smartphone with Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 yet, which means we haven’t been able to run our own benchmarks yet. However, Qualcomm has now released the first official results, for which we can make a preliminary comparison with its predecessor. The SoC was installed on a reference smartphone which has been discontinued 24GB LPDDR5x RAM there is
Faster multicore than Apple A17 Pro
Accordingly, the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 scored a 6 in the Geekbench benchmark. A single core score of 2,320 pointswhen Multicore-benchmark 7.439 Punkte can be achieved. For comparison: Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 in Xiaomi 13 (test) managed 2,015 points in single core and 5,602 points in multicore. This means that the new chip is about 15 percent faster in single core and a solid 32 percent faster in multicore. In multi-core benchmarks, the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 can even keep up with the Apple A17 Pro from the iPhone 15 Pro.
New Adreno GPU brings more FPS
The performance increase for GPUs should be similarly large. According to Qualcomm, the Adreno GPU can clock around 32 FPS in the 3DMark Wild Life Extreme benchmark. Snapdragon 8 Gen has around 22 FPS. This results in increased performance 28 percent.
The biggest performance improvement is probably in the AI ​​area, as the SoC here is said to work an impressive 98 percent faster. At the same time, the efficiency of such calculations appears to have increased by 40 percent. Overall, the chip should be about 10% more efficient, which should ultimately benefit battery life.
Which smartphone will install Snapdragon 8 Gen 3?
It will be the first smartphone with Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 Xiaomi 14 (Pro) to remain The smartphone series will be introduced on October 26, 2023, though the devices will initially be available only in China. A release in this country is likely to take place in the first quarter of 2024. Smartphones will come from next year as well Honor, Samsung, Sony and Asus to give
At best it will Galaxy S24 Ultra First smartphone with Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 to be released in Europe Rumors currently suggest that the Samsung phone will be introduced in January 2024. However, it is still not entirely clear whether we will actually get the Snapdragon variant in this country. The European version is likely to come with Exynos 2400.
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