Along with the Snapdragon X75, Qualcomm announced a new 5G modem that is said to have improved AI functions. In addition, the structure is also optimized, which should particularly benefit efficiency. The latter can ensure a longer battery life when using 5G.
It’s that time again: like every February, Qualcomm introduced a new 5G modem for mobile devices. This is the Snapdragon X75 modem, which basically offers the same features as the X70 modem from Snapdragon 8 Gen 2. Accordingly, the Frequency ranges from 600 MHz to 41 GHz However, some aspects are said to have changed fundamentally, which should be noticeable above all in terms of space requirements and energy consumption.
Accordingly, the X75 modem requires approximately 25 percent less space than its predecessor, since all components are housed in one module for the first time. The newcomers have joined it mmWave-Antenna “QTM565”, which should be cheaper and more profitable in the sixth generation. Ultimately, according to Qualcomm, the modem will be up 20 percent more energy efficient work, although this statement is based on laboratory tests. It remains to be seen how true this is in everyday life.
Qualcomm is also promoting improvements in AI capabilities. The AI ​​integration will help in positioning, among other things, which is also expected to benefit network coverage, connection stability and speed. The new 5G AI processor Gen 2 should therefore have one 2.5x better AI performance Achievements compared to previous versions. The X75 also supports satellite communication via Snapdragon Satellite.
According to the data sheet, the Snapdragon X75 modem enables downstream data rates of up to 10 Gbps. Upstream, in turn, should be possible up to 3.5 Gbps. New modems will debut Second half of 2023 Used in smartphones. Not only are various Android manufacturers likely to use the chip, but so is Apple. Apparently, the US company will use a variant of the X75 for the iPhone 15 series.
up to date [11.08.2023]: Qualcomm report download record
Qualcomm managed to set a new record in the sub-6 GHz spectrum with the Snapdragon X75 modem. According to this, the chip achieves a download speed of 7.5 Gbit/s, with which you can download a two-hour 4K movie in about 38 seconds. A 5G standalone network with four-fold carrier aggregation was likely used for testing. The modem is expected to be used in the upcoming flagship generation.
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