Space rocket Starship of SpaceX Suffer a detonation during its seventh orbital test. The incident occurred near the Caribbean islands, near the Turks and Caicos Islands. According to preliminary investigation, The accident was caused by a fire in the cavity above the engine firewallCaused by a leak of oxygen and fuel.
D US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) ordered a thorough investigation and grounded Starship until SpaceX could prove it had taken preventive measures. SpaceX CEO Elon Musk commented that the accident was “a bump in the road” and that the company is working on corrective measures for future flights. Despite the failures, SpaceX had significant success with the rocket Falcon 9 And his space exploration ambitions continue to advance.
An accident has occurred Concerns among aviation experts and the scientific communitywho emphasized the importance of safety in flight testing. The FAA stressed that the investigation would be rigorous and that Starship would not be allowed to fly until the safety of the rocket and its crew was confirmed.
Kasturi reacted strangely to this incident. “Success is uncertain, but entertainment is guaranteed!” He posted on his X account (formerly Twitter) a video of the incident flying in the air. Some may see it as this A little humor in “good vibes” On the part of the magnet, while others more cynical might point to this reaction as a Damage control strategy To minimize the negative impact on brand reputation that such incidents may cause.
Through: Associated Press