currently steam It can be considered the digital video game store par excellence, as it has franchises famous in the industry, as well as new indies that need a boost to introduce themselves to the world and thus become new classics. There are times when the prices are really unreasonable, and this leads us to the fact that users sometimes buy games just to buy some games that they leave behind, never downloading and playing in their lives.
as reported PC Games n, it is said that about $1.9 billion worth of games were bought and then never played Multiplying this by ten, which will be more or less the percentage of public accounts on the Internet and at the same time taking into account almost all profiles that are not public, we arrive at 19,000 million dollars, which is more than the total national product of Nicaragua, Niger or Chad.
At the end of the day it’s not something that affects anyone, much less developers who accept money from players regardless of whether or not they give the video game in question a chance, but it also concerns some experience that can be experienced. Also, some In ways players will spend unnecessary cash, but sometimes it becomes addictive to buy a lot of games to store in the library.
description steam:
Steam is a digital video game distribution platform developed by Valve Corporation. Launched in September 2003, Steam has become one of the leading platforms for buying, downloading and managing video games online.
It allows users to purchase, download and install video games and software directly on their computers. The platform offers a wide range of titles, from independent games to major productions from well-known studios. It is a comprehensive platform for the distribution, management and community of video games, offering a wide range of functionality that has changed the way players access and enjoy games on PC.
Just as this note is being prepared, the annual summer sale is active for those looking to buy what they need.
Through: Icon era
Author’s Note: It costs a lot of money, but at least there are many games that offer $5, so the user does not trade so heavily.