Last week was the year of closure for many video game companies, as they sent out emails in which they sent a link to the official application that summarized 2023 Among players, these are the titles that have been tested the most on their respective consoles. With that in mind, the platform’s excellence on PC won’t lag, and now Steam users can review how much fun they’ve had over the past 12 months.
To access the application there are simple steps to follow: the first of them tells us that we must access. steam As soon as our account session is activated, it follows that within the main page you will see the panel rotating between the Game Store offers. So you just need to click on it to continue the process of creating accounts based on the data collected from our gameplay.
Something worth mentioning is that all the data is taken in general and not from games released this year, so if there are people who try titles like Left 4 dead If they spend hours up front they will be there pc. Experience and multiplayer are also emphasized and of course Baldur’s Gate 3 This can be the first place for all those who are engaged in their respective campaigns up to this point.
As for other industrial platforms Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft, Each has its own application to estimate what the user has played the most in recent months, so it’s worth searching to discover the number of hours spent on big games. There are people who have reported over 200 Zelda: Tears of the Realm And only 100 inches StarfieldAAA refers to each person’s preferences regarding releases.
If you want to summarize steamWe leave you the direct link here.
Through: steam
Editor’s note: I don’t think there’s any way to get my rundown with me, since I basically haven’t played anything worth considering on Steam. Still, out of curiosity, I’ll enter the application to see if anything comes up or if they don’t tell me anything.