Rumors that Russian tycoon Pavel’s well-known cloud-based instant messaging service is not for profit have dried up and repeatedly denied Telegram’s assurances about its users’ data privacy. Durv
The new allegations came from Germany Mirror One of the most widely read German language magazines / portals. Contrary to what has been announced several times in the Four Winds, the Telegram has released user data to the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) in several cases, according to the Teutonic Network.
Always according to an exclusive Mirror, It relates to the data of suspects in cases of child abuse and terrorism. In the case of other criminal offenses, it is still difficult for German investigators to obtain information from the Telegram, at least according to security circles.
Further communication between the telegram and various federal ministries
The authenticity of its messaging Pavel Durv Providing information about users to the authorities indicates something different from what Telegram has repeatedly promised. Who knows, maybe a change of strategy.
For a long time, German investigators received no response when asked who was behind the telegram accounts, which spread criminal content online. Operators also explain on their website: “To date, we have shared 0 bytes of user data with third parties, including all governments“
In 2018, Pavel Durav publicly announced a privacy policy review that would allow his services to disclose IP addresses and phone numbers in court orders. “It didn’t happen until today.”
Der Spiegel denies the telegram’s claim, which is why the mystery deepens. The Transparency Reporting Channel, a semi-annual update from Telegram, did not record any data transfer to the authorities. Still, Durv And its public relations department has not commented on possible changes to the strategy Telegram is now implementing.
In recent years, the popularity of Durab messaging has grown significantly, gaining the trust of late thinkers and right-wing extremists, also due to operators’ claims that they generally do not cooperate with the government and their authorities.
Experts have already described a scene in which extremist online activists in particular communicate via messenger. “Terrorism Program”. On different channels you can find instructions on how to make weapons or how to mix deadly poison. Operators are also criticized because their apps invite violence against politicians, activists or scientists.
According to information from Mirror, Communication between the telegram staff and the Federal Ministry of the Interior has also increased, as well as representatives of the German Federal Ministry of Justice. Why, then, does the telegram continue to refuse? The successor will judge.