Some new Android smartphones have already been announced for May. Google is at least unveiling its new Pixel 8a, Xiaomi is expecting a new foldable and Sony is likely to launch its new Xperia flagship. Now we have a date and time that we want to mark on our calendar.
I haven’t enjoyed it as much in recent years, but a big change is coming in 2024. Sony supposedly wants to get rid of the 21:9 image format and join the normal screen format. The rumor mill has so far said that an equally redundant 4K display will also be replaced. A little more normality for good sales figures, how it looks with the Xperia 1 VI.
Sony has scheduled its event for May 17, 2024 and for us the event will be held at noon. Google I/O takes place just three days ago and the new Pixel 8a will be seen there.
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