In July 2014, its publication My Hero Academia A decade after its debut, Kōhei Horikoshi’s work has become one of the most successful anime and manga in recent years. However, everything must end, and The author has finally revealed when it will happen and along with that, he also shared a few words.
Although rumors had already revealed this, it was confirmed during the release of chapter 426 of the manga My Hero Academia culminating in chapter 430, which is scheduled to be released on August 5, Although the date may vary depending on the author’s health or other external factors. Kōhei Horikoshi commented on this:
“With Deku and everyone to finish five more chapters! After much work, I have been able to draw Deku and his friends for over ten years thanks to your continued support. It has been like a dream come true. See you at the jump soon!”
These final chapters of the manga will put the action aside to focus on the personal resolution of each protagonist in this story. In chapter 426 we saw how Shoto Todoroki’s family made peace with their past and Most likely we will soon see what happens to Deku and the rest of the 1A or rather 2A students.
remember, The final chapter of the manga My Hero Academia Released August 5 on Shonen Jump, and the official translation will be available on Manga Plus very soon On a related note, you can learn more about the live-action My Hero Academia series here.
Author’s Note:
Honestly, I’m very happy with it My Hero Academia There is a long conclusion. Many manga and anime end only after defeating the bad guy, and few works have the luxury of saying goodbye. Horikoshi is clearly proud of his work, and wants to give us all a chance to say goodbye to Deku and company.
Through: My Hero Academia.