Instagram è pronta introdure a new system of rating to give the gesto peso ai reels original
I video brevi on Instagram hanno conquistato gli iscritti al social network tanto che i Reels This gives you a chance to enjoy more and more fun. Not if it is a certification of a new initiate (qualcuno ha parlato di TikTok?), but also the popular application of the popular communication from the disclaimer that has spirals and reels predisposing to exclusive content.
In this sense, the parole Adam Mosserinumber one di Instagram, tuonano come un monito. In the future, the piatttaforma is a tempting solitary photographical and static andrà to the result. Content originally considered“Oscurando” invece quelli presi da TikTok e ripubblicati su Instagram al fine di espandere ulteriormente la popularità del contenuto.
What does all this mean? Che il nuovo Instagram ranking system on Instagram Passed the “set” and reels and metered in the first piano and content exclusively for the meta platform. Chi invece caricherà un video from TikTok e come condividerà come Reels on Instagram Punished, in the coincidence with the quote “Giusto merito” that Mosseri has always wanted. In soldoni, maggiore visibilità ai contenuti originali. “What makes it zero è I like that abbia maggior peso respects what she involves has simply condensed into something new”, Ha affirmato in a messaging video the number one Instagram.
Instagram, arriving and tagged product versions brand and creator
📣 New Features
We’ve added new ways to tag and improved ranking:
– Product Tags
– Enhanced Tags
– Ranking for originalityCreators are so important to the future of Instagram, and we want to make sure they are successful and get all the credit they deserve.
– Adam Mosseri (mosseri) April 20, 2022
If you are securely involved in an important new novelty, you will be able to detect signals in a radical module in the ranking system of the same platform. D’altro canto, Instagram sta puntando molto sui Reels And in the first place, you can use the functionality to create exclusive social video.
Quilla di cui si discourre non è comunque l’unica New on Instagram. Infatti, la piattaforma ha introdotto, sulla scorta del ufficializazioni delle scorse setimane, i Product tags from brand or creator. In a good way, it is possible to create a veranda and a proprietary rematch to add to the creator and increase the traffic and credit directly to the font. Attract this quote, and follow the latest mods in the product and for the most part you can visit the portal directly, since it is almost impossible to proceed with the inquiry.
Well, it is possible to enter an etiquette inside the profile to discover Proprietary activism: this tag – che Instagram chiama “enhanced people tags”- appearing in the name of the child and this permutation from the potters far more convincing than social media, rushing to the point of the tag.