Nelle scorse ore, sono state svelate tutte le specifiche techniche del nuvo Lenovo Legion Y90. Get a record of RAM!
Presto the marketer of the smartphone if archived in a new mobile combination. We have a new parliament Lenovo Legion Y90, The device is designed for gaming and the specific technology is state-of-the-art.
Ad aver stupito è securely la RAM da record: si parla di ben 22 GB! Please note the archive memory, which will arrive quota 640 GB of space. A vera and proprietary portal console, with all the benefits that the smartphone possesses.
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Lenovo Legion Y90, all the specific technical
Nelle scorse ore, il leaker Pandaisbald ha svelato su Weibo tutte le specifiche tecniche del gaming phone Lenovo Legion Y90. We parted ways with the fact that the Android smartphone has more potential to sell. Come già anticipate poc’anzi, see lanciato sul mercato con 22 GB of RAM, With 18 GB of fixed features and 4 virtual. The level of archives, if parla di 640 GB (one stick from 512 GB and one from 128 GB).
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It is interesting pannello AMOLED Samsung E4 of 6,92 policies, with frequent updates at 144 Hz! At the level of the token camp, the frequency increases with the arrival of 720 Hz. SoC Snapdragon 8 Gen 1The top gamma and permetter agli utenti giocare senza particolari problemi. Parlando di comparto fotografico, ci sarà un sensor da 64 MP The Omnivision unit is a second lente of 16 MP. Finally, take a photo of the 44 MP selfie camera on Samsung. La batteria dovrebbe essere da 5600 mAh, With the support of a rapid increase from 68 W. Il lekar su Weibo has made the addition of motorized doppio asse X, doppie ventole at raffreddamto and his dedication to gaming. The lancio is officially è previsto for the month of February.