WhatsApp It remains one of the most important messaging applications today, millions of people are using the service at this time with various functions that are being updated, because now not only text or voice messages are important, but also videos and news are given about the latter.
A feature is coming that makes it easy to send videos to your contacts Now, those who prefer to respond with video notes will have an easier experience thanks to a new feature in Chat.
According to reports, a dedicated button for sending video notes has been added inside the camera. This allows you to record a short video without holding down the button, as was previously done in the chat window. This upgrade is ideal for those who find it difficult to hold the button due to large or slippery fingers.
Until now, the only option to record short videos was by pressing the camera icon next to the text box. Recording started by holding down the button and sent when released. As with Voice Memo, there was a hands-free option to lock the button or slide it to cancel the recording. The problem that sometimes the button was mistakenly released or the microphone button was pressed, resulting in incomplete messages being deleted, has already been fixed.
Video notes can now be sent by pressing the camera button in the message box. Doing so activates the camera interface, and you just need to swipe right or tap the “Video Notes” button in the bottom bar. These messages have a maximum duration of 60 seconds and are displayed in the chat window
However, it has not reached all countries and is only currently there Android.