The year 2024 has been most relevant if we talk about the world MarvelAnd that’s it Deadpool After so many years of absence, I finally returned to participate UCM It is neither more nor less of a collaboration WolverineA character that has been rescued with purchase Fox from the Disney. In fact, the anti-hero’s last appearance was not in that film, but in a series that launched on the streaming platform this month.
A new version of the character was recently introduced in the third season finale So what…?, Which could radically change the rules of the multiverse Marvel Cinematic Universe. Although his appearance was brief, his resemblance to the comic book version of the toothy villain has created theories and fears among fans. Deadpool kills the Marvel Universe.
In this story Cullen Boon and Dalibor Talaq, The character takes his chaotic nature to extremes, excluding not only the most iconic heroes viz Spider-Man, Wolverine and the Fantastic FourBut as cosmic people Thanos, the Silver Surfer and even Uyatu the Watcher. The series, known for its tone, leads the mercenary to break the fourth wall in extreme ways, even murdering the product’s creators.
This variant is included So what…? Speculation has been rife about its potential impact on future MCU production. with anticipationA Avengers: Secret Wars In development, some suggest that Disney may be laying the groundwork to explore it Deadpool On screen and maybe it’s the reason for some kind of reboot for the movies, which is only theoretical.
Ryan ReynoldsThe actor, who played the character, has previously revealed that he should not be completely integrated with him AvengerWhich leaves room for more independent and controversial enquiries. In the meantime, this new look alerts fans and raises expectations about the future of the multiverse, since Marvel continues to expand the narrative possibilities in his cinematic universe.
Note that the animated series will be watched Disney+.
Through: comic book