For months now, rumors have been swirling about what the next Nintendo console will be, including an estimated release date, even if there is a possibility of backward compatibility. And while Big N went out to make statements to fans and the press, another theory resurfaced that involved a function that could be considered too powerful for the device.
The information comes directly from the podcast Hate’s Nate, which reviews several rumors, as well as some new information that the host has been told about this possibly hybrid system. At the end of the most recent show, it was said that the green light had been given to reports that the company’s new console from Japan would be featured. Ray reconstruction.
This description is for those who don’t know the technology Nvidia:
Ray Reconstruction is a new option for developers to improve the image quality of their ray-traced titles and is offered as part of DLSS 3.5.
It is a new AI model that produces high quality ray-traced images for ray-traced intensive games and applications.
This means that the console will want to move closer to the technology used by some mid-range computers, which have the ability to run currently released games, for example. Elden Ring and up to Starfield. However, it will remain doubtful until the device is unveiled and its specifications are confirmed.
Through: Insider Gaming
Editor’s note: It seems to me that they won’t really apply this technology to consoles, since they don’t want the final product to exceed the financial capabilities of potential customers, so I don’t think they would risk such a move. However, we will see if it has all this inside when it is finally released to the public.