Over the past seven years it has become clear that the Star Fox franchise is in a precarious limbo, precisely because its last game from 2016 didn’t sell in the best way, especially since it was released on a console. Will be However, there are those who remain positive, saying that the franchise should eventually return.
He was asked a question in an interview recently Dylan Cuthbertwho worked on the franchise’s first and second video games that came to fruition SNES (After many years), he was asked if he would like to see it return. It was also mentioned in the conversation that it hopes to be the essence of the first release, as previous releases failed to capture the concept. Argonaut At that time it spread to him.
Here is what is mentioned:
Oh, I’m sure. I mean, they keep trying, right? They keep on trying, without achieving the core.
But I think that’s one thing – my opinion is that the original was born out of Amiga style 3D games like Star Glider or Carrier Command from the UK back then. It was born out of and somewhat of a Star Wars arcade game, combined with Namco’s Starblade.
And then there were all the Nintendo character buildings, all the characters and stuff, which made it so familiar.
Something that must be taken into account is true in past years Platinum Games declared that they wished to carry Star Fox Zero In the current console Nintendo, to finally give it to the audience it truly deserves. However, it is the Japanese company that has the final say on all matters, and it seems that interest is absent for now.
Through: VGC
Editor’s note: I love the idea of ​​this franchise coming back and I think Zero would be the perfect game to redeem what happened on the Wii U. In fact, it’s one of the few titles missing from its respective steps.