Today Square Enix Collective released Little Goody Two Shoes, a mysterious and twisted anime-style horror fairy tale adventure. This immersive game is developed by AstralShift, an indie development team from Portugal that specializes in creating cinematic gaming experiences with captivating stories and stirring soundtracks.
The game kidnaps the playersInside Kieferberg’s hand-drawn fairy tale village. But appearances are deceiving, as there is much more to discover here than you might think at first glance During the day the players take care of themselvesInside Alice’s relationships with the villagers and earning a living in fun mini-games. But at night Alice needs to be fed and her sanity protected as she faces deadly enemies in the forest. The game offers a total of 10 different endings depending on the decisions made.
Inspired by games and anime from the 90s, “Little Goody Two Shoes” transports players to a dreamlike world filled with nostalgia.
The game is available now on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch™ and PC (Steam) for €19.99. A free demo version is currently available for PC users on Steam.
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