Yesterday, April 11, WhatsApp Updated its terms of service and privacy policy, adding two significant changes to the core experience. If you wish to continue using this messaging service, You have to accept, yes or no, everything presented to us here.
Thanks to the Digital Services Act and the European Union’s Digital Markets Act regulations, companies like Meta have been forced to change their terms and conditions to avoid monopolistic practices. This is finally reflected in the latest WhatsApp updateWhere now it is possible to send messages directly from this messaging application to platforms like Telegram.
However, that’s not all, as the new terms have significantly lowered the minimum age to access WhatsApp. Instead of requiring members to be at least 16 years of age, Now anyone 13 years of age or older can use the messaging app. This change was implemented to allow the new generation to start interacting online as soon as possible, which may cause a few controversies in the future.
Besides these two points, Updates to WhatsApp’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy request user consent to access the Service, and other common practices in this section. We just have to see how the public reacts. On a related note, audio transcription will be added to WhatsApp. Similarly, change the design of the application in WhatsApp.
Editor’s note:
These are interesting changes for WhatsApp. While the integration of Telegram and other messaging platforms is one way to avoid legal trouble in Europe, lowering the minimum age to use WhatsApp is something that will undoubtedly cause some conflict in the future.
Through: WhatsApp