Are you looking for hints and answers about Sunday communion? You can get it here:
Greetings everyone! Welcome to the start of a new week! In a way, we are already in the middle of 2024. The first half of the year was good for me. We hope it stays that way and the rest of 2024 is great for you.
today The New York Times died link Hints and answers come immediately.
This is how you communicate
inside link, you will be presented with a grid of 16 words. Your task is to organize them into four groups of four words by finding connections between them. Groups can be things like horror movie series or some kind of act or rapper.
Each puzzle has only one solution and you need to be careful with words that can fall into multiple categories. You can probably mix the words to better see the connections between them.
Each group is color coded. The yellow group is usually the easiest to understand, the blue and green groups are in the middle, and the purple group is usually the hardest to understand. Purple sets often contain puns, so keep that in mind.
Select four words that you think go well together, then press send. If you guess and are wrong, you lose a life. When you are close to finding a correct combination, you may see a message saying that you are one word away from finding the correct combination. However, you still need to know which combination you want to change.
If you make four mistakes, it’s game over. Let’s make sure this doesn’t happen with some tips and if you’re really struggling, visit us today link the answer
What are today’s communication tips?
Go slow! Immediately after instructions for each day link Groups, I’m going to immediately reveal what groups are without saying what words are in them
Today’s 16 words are…
- The pyramid
- Prinz
- British
- Seagull
- the scorpion
- Washington
- Nova
- Guide
- Northwest
- Tennis racket
- Drive
- Adler
- to cheat
- directly
- accelerated
- Guide
Tips for today’s group are:
- Yellow Group – Duration
- Green group – conspiracy, fraud
- Blue Group – Observed on an object that is exchanged for goods and services
- Purple group – open in the far north
What are communication groups today?
Do you need additional help?
Be warned: we’re about to enter Spoiler section.
Today’s groups are…
- Yellow team – shows the way
- Green Group – Fig
- Blue Group – Appears on US dollar bills
- Purple Group – First word for Canadian province/territory
What is Etisalat’s response today?
Spoiler alert! Don’t scroll down the page until you’re ready for today’s news link the answer
This is your final warning!
today link The answers are…
- Yellow team – shows the way (direct leader, leader, leader, service provider)
- Green Group – Scheme (Con, Hustle, Racket, Sting)
- Blue Group – Appears on US Dollar Bills (Eagle, Pyramid, Seal, Washington)
- Purple Cluster – First words for Canadian provinces/territories (British, Northwest, Novaya, Prince)
My second loss in a row was very disappointing because a) it’s Canada Day and it should have been shocking and b) it’s the country I live in. And now I’m worried that I won’t let him come back after my vacation.
I saw Sting, Usher and Prince out the gate but didn’t see any other singers with them. I then focused on green, but made the mistake of adding PYRAMID instead of STING at the start. I modified it for my first batch.
Then I found the color yellow before I had a problem. I didn’t know if it was blue or purple. NOVA was actually supposed to be a touch of purple. But after some random guesswork, I ran out of luck.
That’s it for today link Hints and answers. Be sure to check out my blog for Tuesday game tips and tricks if you need them.
Note: On Friday I went to a really fun show with both The Darkness (a band I really like) and the always fun band Boosted. So let’s start with the last song of this week.