dragon ball, the iconic saga created by Akira Toriyama, has proven to be a phenomenon that transcends generations and borders, maintaining its popularity over time. Since its first appearance in 1984, the series has captured the hearts of millions of fans around the world, becoming a pillar of pop culture and a benchmark for the anime and manga industry.
recently, dragon ball Back in the spotlight again, thanks to its latest release: Dragon Ball Super. Akira Toriyama, who oversees the series, revealed through the official account Twitter @DB_super2015, a fact that surprised fans of the story. According to the creator, the most powerful and most feared character in the story is none other than the one Gohan in his beast mode.
🟠#Akira Toriyama Teacher Comment Plan ðŸŸ
latest work#Dragon Ball Super Super HeroThe original author answered questions about Toriyama-sensei 🙌
Here are some commentsThe full text of the commentary will be published in the “Super Pamphlet” sold at the theater, so please look forward to it📖#Dragon Ball pic.twitter.com/UdcF8rsgaR
— Movie “Dragon Ball Super Super Hero” Official (@DB_super2015) May 28, 2022
This revelation created a heated debate among fans dragon ballAs many consider it goku, the main protagonist, or even some god of destruction, was the most powerful character in the series. But Toriyama’s statement is kept Gohan in a position of unique relevance in its universe dragon ball.
Turns out to be a strong character Gohan This is an example of Akira Toriyama’s talent for developing complex and surprising characters in his work. Throughout the story, Gohan It has undergone significant growth and evolution in power, which has been well received by fans, who have followed its development with enthusiasm.
dragon ball remains a cultural phenomenon and its creator, Akira Toriyama, surprises fans with surprising revelations that keep the excitement for the story alive. with Gohan As the strongest and most fearsome character in the series, in Beast Mode, look forward to the future Dragon Ball Super is at its highest point.
Through: Twitter
Editor’s note: Gohan’s superior strength has been talked about before and how the only thing holding him back is that he is a much more moral person than his father and uncle. If Gohan didn’t have that disdain for violence that seems non-existent for Goku and Vegeta, the entire universe would be in trouble and they’d have someone to truly fear. I love that the strongest character in the series is the one with this limitation.