Qualcomm has announced that it has reached an agreement with Apple to supply Snapdragon 5G modems. These are used for smartphone launches in 2024, 2025 and 2026.
Apple will continue to purchase 5G modems from Qualcomm for the next few years to install on iPhones and iPads. Qualcomm announced this in a short press release a day before the iPhone 15 event. Since the iPhone 12 series, Apple has been relying on Qualcomm modems for 5G support. Meanwhile, there were rumors that iPhones after the iPhone 15 series will be equipped with Apple’s own modem. Apparently the company is from Cupertino Modems are not so fast in development Like Mac chips. The previous supply agreement with Qualcomm expires at the end of 2023.
For the iPhone 16 and 17, but also on the iPhone 18?
The chip company’s communication clearly mentions a provision For smartphone launches in 2024, 2025 and 2026 speech. For smartphone launch in 2016 2026 However, the company has only one hope 20 percent chip delivery. It is therefore conceivable that Apple plans to introduce its own 5G modem after the iPhone 17, for example in an iPad or iPhone SE, before introducing it in a big way with the iPhone 18 series. For Qualcomm, the deal accounts for about 80 percent of its business with Apple. The patent license agreement between the two companies, which has been effective since April 2019, is not affected by the supply agreement and is valid until April 2025 with a two-year extension option.
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