If you have an Android smartphone and you want to delete the app from the menu, you can go far in pochi and simply pass.
That is simply to preserve or motivate others privacy, It is possible to ignore the need to unlock one or more applications from your menu. If you have one device Androidsappiate che si può fare e bastano pochissimi passaggi.
One can easily find the app that does not delete vedere ai vostri messaggi, oppa a piattaforma di messaggistica alternativa. When Naskunde un software from proprietary device, sapphire che nesuno sarà in grado di trovarlo. If you do not find the right cartel for the app, you will get the chronology of the installation Play Store.
Come nascondere an app on smartphone Android

Se volete Download an app from Android smartphone, This is a simple and easy passage. Innovatively dove swipe up from scratch home to april the avvio program. Finding the three points in Angolan in alto a destra, dovrebbe spuntarvi the pulsante Impostation and then Nascondi app. At this point, we will make the best selection of software and keep it up to date. This process is different from the disabling of applications, which eliminates the need for a new installation to be used.
With i device Samsung You can use it in real life cartella protetta to block applications. If you treat a private and critically acclaimed spouse, you will be able to access your password with a digital password. Secure Folder Remaining isolated from the rest of the system, and non-visibly dedicates the seasons to all cartels. All this guarantees the complete separation of the app and all the data in the Secure Folder. This is the only negative aspect, which will continue the application of the application of the app. Since the infantry accustomed to the protruding cartilage, insisted on the protection of the codice for protection.