Last year brought one of the most anticipated series of recent times, Dragon Ball Daima, Based on the return of beloved warriors to their kingdom as children, we see beloved characters in the kingdom for the first time, especially vegetable. Speaking of the prince of the Saiyan race, his writing in one episode sparked controversy, as some fans found an inconsistency in the narration.
The final episode presented us with something we’ve been wanting for years, and it was Phase 3 of the character in the Super Saiyan realm, which is a significant step, since he’s been behind for a long time. gokuThat was always one step ahead, thus robbing him of some of his growth. On the other hand, there are those who point out it doesn’t make sense, more so because of the timeline in which the story is located.
For those who don’t know, always It is located before its event SuperWhich is why there are no known characters from that franchise Bill and WisProminent people in this universe who later become tango masters goku as vegetable. This is where the inconsistency comes in, as you never see the prince reach level three, but instead jump straight into both standard and blue god levels.
This again marks the truth Toriyama He has forgotten his own work, as on some occasions we see certain characters disappearing from the franchise without prior notice and this is because akira You forgot to keep them for some reason or perhaps because you lost the relevance of what you wanted to say However, it didn’t take long for the debate to come to the networks, whether Daima would finally be canon or if it was a spinoff created with other intentions.
Note that chapters are released weekly Netflix and Crunchyroll. In mid-January, the first three episodes will be released in theaters with audio in Latin Spanish.
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