It is true that the creator of the universe today harry potter No longer respected in the internet world, this is due to several comments he made on the platform Twitter. Actions that it has been rejected by the community LGBTEvents that today cannot be forgotten, even by boycotting the next The Hogwarts Legacy.
And now, in a recent interview with The New York TimesThe actor who gave life Lord Voldemort, Ralph Fiennes, the author of the world’s most popular book ruled to cancel. Pointing out that the verbal abuse the lady is receiving is despicable and horrible, somehow defending her right to express herself freely.
He mentioned this about the post Rowling And Defense of Biological Sex:
I understand that his vision creates anger because of what he says about women. But it’s not vulgar or fascist. It’s a woman saying: I’m a woman, I feel like a woman, and I want to say I’m a woman. And I understand what you mean.
In related news harry potter and his movies. The death of the actor was reported recently. Robbie ColtraneWho played the role of giant in his life Hagrid. And now, the reason behind this decline has been revealed a few days ago, if you want to know more about the news, we invite you to click on the following link.
Through: Vanity Fair