Did water get into your mobile speaker? Don’t worry, there is a solution to this problem.
Even if you have a waterproof Samsung mobile, it penetrates Water inside the speaker It is possible that we find a problem, and it is not listening correctly. The mobile phone’s IP certification, while it tells us it’s water resistant, means we won’t have serious breakdowns, but it doesn’t guarantee that the sound will be the same without water inside. Therefore, if water has entered your phone’s speaker, it is important to find a solution.
For this you can use Special applications, websites that help you or even phone systems. Below we explain all your options.
Xiaomi Speaker Cleaner
If you have one Xiaomi mobile with MIUI 12 or higher, you can clean the speaker of the phone system itself. To do this, you just need to follow these steps:
- Enter the Settings menu.
- Go to Additional Settings.
- Click on Clean Speaker.
- Activate the corresponding box.
An audio will then play for 30 seconds to help you clean your phone’s speaker Xiaomi’s recommendation is that we repeat this process Between 2 and 5 timesThe speaker points down while shaking the device.
Con Fixmyspeakers.com
Another option that can help you clean your phone’s speakers is the website Fixmyspeakers.com. What this website does is very similar to what Xiaomi Speaker Cleaner does, with the advantage that it doesn’t matter what phone you use. When you enter the website and press the button, a sound will be emitted A specific tone whose wave is intended to help water leave the speaker. Therefore, in principle you don’t have to do anything, just let the sound play and the water will slowly come out of your smartphone.
with special applications
A third option you have is to use apps to drain water from speakers that contain them completely clear.
The functionality of these apps is practically the same as the website we mentioned in the previous section, although most of them have some Additional functions So that cleaning your speakers is complete. You can try different options until you find the application with which your speakers are as clear as the first day.
Speaker cleaner
This application, like the two systems we explained earlier, allows us to play sound with a tone that helps us get water and even dirt out of our speakers. But there are benefits to staying Various shades are available, so that we can choose the most suitable one for our phone so that the cleaning is perfect. Of course, we have to put up with some ads, something that is common in free apps.
Drain the water
This application also offers us possibilities play a tune To help us easily remove all the water accumulated on our phones.
The developers of the application recommend that we keep the mobile to use it With the screen resting on the table. Therefore, unlike the Xiaomi speaker cleaner, in this case we do not have to shake the phone, but keep it still while the sound comes from this app.
Speaker cleaner
This app is very easy to use. All you have to do is simple Just press the button What is wrong with it. It will then start playing a sound that gets louder with every second. This sound is emitted in a tone designed to help our speakers expel anything trapped in them, mainly water, but also dust. As the previous one, it is recommended that we use it with the mobile phone resting with the screen on the table.
Speaker Deinterlacer
This application generates an algorithm Different sound waves The vibration of which helps to dislodge the water trapped in the speaker, so that we can put an end to the strange sound when the speaker is wet.
These sound waves will not only clean our speakers, but dry off So that the phone remains as it was before it was exposed to water. It is very easy to use and the results are quite satisfying.
Speaker Deinterlacer | play store
Repair the speaker
Although this application is very similar to the previous ones, the reality is that its interface may seem a little more cluttered. But it’s worth downloading if we consider that it counts With both an automatic and a manual mode, which allows us to choose the frequency of the sound we are going to reproduce. Also, both modes have functions to clean your mobile speaker and remove water stuck in your headphones.
Speaker cleaner
This application is probably the one with the most options, since it has Automatic, manual and vibration only modes without words
As before, in automatic mode the application chooses the tone itself, while in manual mode we select it. And it is particularly interesting vibration modeWith which we can try to clean our device with complete silence.
If you want to have all the options at your fingertips and Leave nothing to chanceThis is probably the perfect app for you.
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