Another day another update on WhatsApp at home. This year’s hero is the popular group IM service from Meta. From the app’s beta channel, available on both iOS and Android, the ability to view profile pictures of group participants is now available.
Hugely popular group IM app meta It renews itself, and now does so on a daily basis. And, again, this is a children’s pen WABetaInfo A juicy tidbit to tell us, both are available straight from the app’s beta iOS than Android. Among the many experimental functions that the service now introduces every day, comes the latter Introduced a new way to manage chatToday we find an innovation which is closely related i Very popular group.
It’s not a significant innovation this time, but we’re sure it’ll be capable revolutionize The manner in which we interact with participants in a given group chat. We are talking about Beta version In Android and Build Testflight 22.18.0 on iOS. As said earlier, speaking from WABetaInfo We’ve found an improvement that will forever change the way we look at groups… Literally.
WhatsApp Beta: How Groups Change
good now It will be possible to display each participant’s profile picture in the foreground at all times in group chats. As with Instagram Direct or Facebook Messenger, users won’t be able to show just their names – as they always have WhatsApp – but theirs too Profile picture. In fact, this is not the only innovation that has emerged lately. Already in the previous beta of iOS,, the possibility to recover deleted messages from group chats as well as the possibility by admin was announced. Delete any content at your discretion.
In short, a series of innovations aimed at making living at home more enjoyable WhatsAppEspecially from his point of view Use via group chat. All that remains is to wait for news of a stable version of the application, which should arrive in the next few weeks.
🔴 Source: WABetaInfo