Its last feature WhatsApp The ability to share your screen during video calls, which is already available in video conferencing services such as zoom, Google conference o Microsoft team. According to a press release, the service is owned by Dr meta It says the feature is available through the “Share” icon, then you’ll have the option to share your entire screen or a specific app. A new landscape mode is also being introduced for video calling on mobile devices.
Its press release meta It highlights how the feature can be used to “share documents for work, browse photos with family, plan vacations or shop online with friends, or help grandparents with tech support.”
New features come as part of a wave from its release WhatsApp This year, it already includes video notes and surveys like those of competing messaging apps Telegram, signal And maybe also conflict.
Screen sharing feature WhatsApp It’s been slowly being released in beta over the past few months. WABetaInfo, a publication that often identifies its features WhatsApp Ahead of its official announcement, it had earlier reported the release of the feature in the beta version of the app WhatsApp inside Android, iOS y Windows.
Now, the feature is rolling out to all users WhatsApp on all three platforms worldwide, according to spokesperson Eli Hetrick.
Apart from the new screen sharing feature, WhatsApp Also adding a landscape mode interface for video calling iOS y Android. The service calls it a “broader and more immersive viewing and sharing experience.”
Through: the edge