WhatsApp gets a gorgeous update we’re sure to love: Here’s how it’ll change for iPhone
Hearing about a new update related to WhatsApp can only be good news, we’re sure of that, but even more so if the update in question continues to add special features that will help improve the service. There will be various ways of doing this, and what is being added now may interest us more than anything else.
In fact, what we are going to talk about is connected to an update recently launched for Android, and which will now practically be available for iOS as well. The most important novelty, or at least in the present state, is undoubtedly represented by the support yoga PIP modeShort for picture-in-picture, which allows you to continue a video call while we use the smartphone for other tasks.
Shocking news for WhatsApp: It will never be the same
To do this it will be enough to reduce the application at once fanfare up, allowing the user to be able to use other apps during this time. For example, you’ll be able to read an email, scroll through photos, or whatever while doing so, which without a shadow of a doubt makes it a great possibility. But pay attention to one detail: the official changelog has a lot more to offer. What other settings have they added or improved?
First, as we mentioned earlier, support for iOS PiP mode has been added so you can do this Multitasking Without interrupting video during WhatsApp calls. In addition to this, we will be able to add captions to the documents we send, perhaps changing the way we view the people we usually talk to.
The same goes for exceeding the character limit for subject and group descriptions to make them easier to write than before. Moreover, it will be possible to create Custom avatar And use them as stickers and profile pictures: it’s a real bomb. Last but not least, it is emphasized that the functions will be implemented in the coming weeks.
This means that even if we decide to download, not all of them can be activated immediately, so WhatsApp Opted to use this system as in the past In this regard, we suggest that you wait patiently to have a way to successfully receive the functions and use them accordingly. Why should we deprive ourselves of this possibility?