It seems that WhatsApp can update itself, and in this case it is no joke: how is it possible?
Keep updated WhatsApp is important for several reasons. First, some interesting functions have been added, which may change the way we use them. And last but not least, others will be fixed for the good of the application. Finally, the service must constantly evolve by reading our feedback, which is actually essential for the proper functioning of WhatsApp.
Many users, however, were surprised by one particular situation. It seems that WhatsApp is able to update itself without any movement on our part. On the surface it may seem like a joke in bad taste, Because no app can update itself completely independently. In fact, WhatsApp is the exception that proves the rule, as it has a really interesting function.
WhatsApp, the app can update itself like this: Activate the function
It seems it was always available and everyone can activate it All you have to do is follow a very simple procedure so that WhatsApp is able to update itself. From now on we don’t have to, and that’s exactly why it’s good news. Let’s continue reading to understand more: The application will update itself for this function.
All that is required to allow WhatsApp to update is very simple. First you need to open the app mentioned above, then go directly to “Settings”. From here you have to go down until you see a certain phrase. takes its name from “App update“, which we need to access.
There we will find the function we are looking for. Activating it will give WhatsApp “life” in practice. The app does It will update completely independently each time an update is released, without going directly to the store to do so. And this is good news for those who, perhaps, have no interest in periodically updating the application.
We suggest you hold on Activate the function because it is very useful: it is better not to do without it. That’s all there is to know about it. Have you ever heard of this type of setup? This could certainly change the way we view the service, but it’s still a really important feature to know. After all no one would expect it.