A Meta update has just been rolled out, and what makes it special is that it’s aimed directly at WhatsApp. We talk about an addition that we can’t ignore as well as not use, but how does it work? Here’s what you need to know about it.
A new rule to check out
Dedicated to new ideasApp Verde It’s weird, because it will make the chats we all know very different from before This is a new presentation sheet, which seems to serve to inform users of the fact that the recipient cannot take a screenshot of published images and videos with “Take a look”. They cannot be shared, forwarded, copied and saved.
But how do we think it works? Probably less since we don’t send such messages, but since it’s a setting that’s always available, it might be a mistake to use it. Not all features need to have a specific purpose The day of their release: It depends on how we want to use it and specifically what we are going to do with it. And if the setting intrigues you, now we will tell you about it.
It is a special button placed next to the chat bar, which allows us to be able to send view messages once or multiple times. The difference with plain text is that once you see the content, The message will disappear from the conversation The moment the recipient opens it, so you can’t read the text again while glancing at it. Useful for hiding a file type that we don’t want to share for example.
Will this also work for apps that take screenshots?
The real utility happens when we share very important information, and maybe we want to delete it from the recipient’s phone immediately. More privacyThen you don’t even have to delete a single view, because it will be deleted automatically and without further waiting for confirmation.
And just like the images and videos in question, messages sent using this function cannot be forwarded and copied. As for using screenshots Third party apps They should be locked, but maybe this setting will be added later to prevent it from doing so if it’s not there yet.
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