That WhatsApp offers us a new update is not strange, but it gives such a great idea. How will the app change?
Obviously we’re back to talking about WhatsApp, Meta’s much-loved instant messaging app that has stood out from the rest in just a few years. It is easy to understand how it can overtake rival applications – such as Telegram – and it may seem like a small statement in practice to explain, but a summary of what has happened and what we know, in almost all cases is not regrettable. after all
Initial launch of green app, followed by successive Masterful update Made available over the years, it’s clear that it couldn’t help but demand the service more and more by the growing number of users. We got to see it for ourselves, so much so that we fell in love with what was once a simple application like any other. Now, of course, it is no more.
Here are the newsletters: WhatsApp will never be the same again
And it’s ready to change again with the express purpose of surprising us. At this rate it will succeed without problems, especially because the latest features are installed – ie response they are avatar – The creators of WhatsApp have done nothing but increase our trust. But what do you want to design now, and how should we like it so much?
WaBetaInfo has – just now – informed everyone about the existence of the new WhatsApp feature, ie Newsletter. As the name suggests, the setting of the same name will also be coming to the Green App, although nothing is known yet about its current level of development, much less when it will be made available: “WhatsApp is now working on a new feature called Newsletter. To be honest, we can’t say for sure if it’s really called ‘Newsletter’ it might be a codename at the moment, but we can tentatively call it that.“
Its usefulness, read carefully, will probably be unrivaled. Newsletters are helpful for sending updates, news or very important information to share right now. Maybe that will touch it somehow Commercial assets, is becoming a way for third-party services and companies to launch campaigns It is clear that the function aims to be helpful from various angles and is not only focused on the social side, much less on the work side.