A new feature has appeared on WhatsApp that allows contacts to convert a vowel into a status: how to do it.
The WhatsApp news They are always around the corner. Now anyone can say anything to all contacts in the address book. In fact, it would be very easy to do, let’s find out how it will be possible to create a voice status within the Meta Messaging application: the latest update is nothing short of revolutionary.
Among the applications we use every day, we certainly find WhatsApp. Indeed, Mater messaging app keeps us in constant touch with our dearest loved ones. Over the years we have seen a real application revolution. From a paid application, all users remember the symbolic price of 89 cents, over time it became free. Every day there are more and more users who choose it to send messages.
Over the years WhatsApp has evolved from a simple messaging application to a real social network. There are several additional functions that have revolutionized it, among which we also find the community, which unites 5000 users in a single conversation. But that’s not all, the developers are also set to launch a newsletter with updates on the upcoming news app. Now the last big thing is voice states. Let’s see how to make them possible.
WhatsApp, voice states are coming — how to create them
So we all know that WhatsApp is constantly evolving. Among the advanced functions we find state, a component of certainly secondary importance compared to chat. Despite this, this function is often used by many contacts. Few know it Recently the possibility of publishing vowels has been introduced in the state. So let’s see how to enable this function.
Creating voice status on WhatsApp is very easy. The first thing to know is that when you open the application, the first thing you will see is the chat list. Despite this you can easily find one reserved for the publication of the state for users. It is also possible to create a personal status in the same category. This feature is similar to Instagram StoriesSince we are talking about multimedia content which can be viewed only for 24 hours.
Now though Voice states can also be created. To do this, simply access the application and go to the appropriate section. Once here you need to select the pencil symbol at the bottom right and in the screen that opens you will see the voice recording icon, so that you will be able to record the audio note. Next you need to go to the color palette to change the background color. At the top you will then find your audio. It will then be possible to listen to your voice notes again, but if you are satisfied, you can proceed with the publication and the game is done.