Today the use of WhatsApp has become practically daily, hardly anyone uses the old SMS to communicate and all other instant messaging apps are still exceptional compared to Meta’s proprietary applications.
But there are times when even dear WhatsApp god gives Communication problems.
In fact, it sometimes happens that the sent messages are not received by the recipient, even after the sender clicks “send”, they are not sent from the server. Regardless of why a message may be on standby or not received by its legitimate recipient, it is possible to monitor the sending and receiving status of the message, as well as the reading of the message, thanks to Famous WhatsApp Tick That changes depending on where our message is.
Gray or blue tick, single or double: message served
First of all, it must be said that if a message sent through WhatsApp does not reach the recipient, there can be various reasons. The first is related to a Connection problem: On either the sender or receiver side, it doesn’t matter, but the data connection of the mobile plan to which one or both of the phones are linked may be damaged. Or, in connection with a wifi, The router may be turned off or locked. In this case, the network must be checked instead of the application.
The whys and wherefores aside, however, let us see how it is possible to check the sending and receiving status of a WhatsApp message through the various “ticks” that appear in the chat when we click on “Send”. In chronological order, the first icon that appears next to an outgoing message is a type Watch with two hands: This means that our message has reached the recipient, and the icon will disappear as soon as it leaves our server to reach the recipient. Once sent, the message in question will be accompanied by a Single gray tick: means it was sent, but not yet received by the person we wanted to send it to.
And then we get the double tick: that one gray so what blue The Double gray check This means that our friend has received the message on his WhatsApp application, so his server has received it, but has not read it yet. It certainly makes us feel calmer about the welfare of our connection and that we have reached the recipient. there read message This is something else: we can verify it when the two gray ticks are done blue, And then our message path is complete. It may happen that some users hide the display of messages and therefore the blue tick never appears, but these are quite rare cases and it is still easy to verify if a friend has read our message by simply asking for confirmation by voice.