Is it time for the native version of WhatsApp on iPad too? The meta company has a purpose, and now the technology to make it is ready.
“Wait and hope, then it will come true!”: This seems to be the time for millions of users to say it. IPad For years Zuckerberg & Co. has been waiting for the desired development Native app WhatsApp for Apple tablets.
“We want to do it,” he said Will CathcartProject leader of the company Meta. The phrase may not sound quite believable, it is true, but in a statement issued Edge He continued: “People have been asking for the WhatsApp iPad app for many years. We have worked hard on one Technology This will allow access to multiple devices and now our desktop apps allow it “.
From previous years, in fact, when we use smartphones and PCs at the same time, it is possible to continue receiving and sending via the WhatsApp desktop app. Message Even if the smartphone loses connection or goes off. “It simply came to our notice then TabletsAnd the technology to enable it to happen is now ready, ”Cathcart concludes.
The core is in “encrypted” synchronization technology
Its technology until a few months ago Synchronization Could not map device identifier to a personal account key created for WhatsApp, which is “located” on the WhatsApp server, so Encrypt.
For this reason, the smartphone that used WhatsApp did not have access. Internet, Desktop client can not work. And for many of us, third-party applications, online programs, or, ultimately, manipulation, were useless to allow our tablets to find the much-desired synchronization of all our contacts and content.
Now, however, the version Beta Multi-device support lets you synchronize your account and up to the maximum Four devices At some point, a native WhatsApp iPad app has a good chance to finally get in the way.Horizon.