Now you can use WhatsApp on two smartphones using a single number. Let’s find out how to do this: in detail.
WhatsApp has received several updates in the past few years. Now, however, it is also possible to use two smartphones using a single number. So let’s find out the new function coming to Meta Messaging Service, which is again looking to make our users happy.
In WhatsApp, updates are always around the corner. There are several new functions that have enriched the Meta application in recent months. Some tools have been particularly appreciated by users. In this we find not only the community, which gives a big hand especially to those who use this application. Soon those who usually use WhatsApp status will also be able to rejoice from now on Users will be able to record voice messages And publish them in this section.
A feature that roughly resembles Instagram Stories. There are quite a few users who have already tried this feature. But the news certainly didn’t end there. now WhatsApp is all set to allow a user to access their profile on two smartphones with the same number. So let’s find out all the details regarding the new update from the WhatsApp developers that satisfies one of the most pressing requests of the users.
WhatsApp, now you can access two devices with the same number: How to do it
WhatsApp decided to launch last year.connected devices‘, but only in the web and desktop versions. But now the developers are also ready to launch an update Allows you to connect a new smartphone with you account. So now you can use your WhatsApp profile on two different smartphones but with the same number.
This brand new feature is currently limited to Android smartphones. This means that if you want to connect two smartphones to one WhatsApp account, you must use a mobile phone that runs on the Green Robot operating system. However, the main phone where we manage the account can also be an iPhone. To use this feature we will need Download the latest version of the application.
At the moment it will be possible to use the feature only in the beta version and the developers have decided to release it gradually. You will need to get it Install WhatsApp from Play Store on your secondary device. Although it is already downloaded, it needs to be uninstalled and reinstalled again. Once downloaded you need to open it on the second device.
All terms of service have been accepted, you need to press i The three dots at the top right of the screen when prompted Enter your phone number. Finally, click “Connect a device” If you don’t find this entry, you should try downloading the latest beta of the application and that’s it.