Just go to the latest version of Windows, and get the best. The popular IM service is also based on Windows and PC and an agreement with which to introduce this much-needed quantity of modified “salva-vista”.
Un WhatsApp In the big spell we have, since November 2021, we are accusing and utilizing – albeit our Windows. The latest version of the Microsoft operating system is, in fact, introducing a new UWP finely redesigned to detect inconsistencies. Fluent Design. However, to make the difference from the redesign of WhatsApp, we want to comment on a little bit of passage in advance of the development of static app.
Parliamo infatti della modalità scura che, da metà gennaio, è disponibile in Windows 11 – nella fattispecie parliamo della beta version dell’app di WhatsApp (la 2.2205.2.0). Il tanto acclamato e atteso tema scuro There are many apps on iOS and Android, then Mac and iOS Windows 11. WABetaInfo Contains some screenshots of the beta version of WhatsApp, available on the latest Microsoft operating system.
How to use WhatsApp theme on Windows 11?
Oviviamente il tema scuro sarà Automatically impostato in base alla modality attiva in Windows 11. What this means is that if you want to activate the system securely, even WhatsApp will not be able to. Al contrario, l’app tornerà con il tema chiro impostato. Restoration is the best option attivarlo manualmente – Which one would you prefer to keep alive or screw independently from your active one? Windows 11. Also, it is necessary to review the application for viewing attitudes and changes without impulses.
The version 2.2205.20 di WhatsApp beta Introduce new novelty, which is the color of the tint of the app, or the word, and a revision of the spatial and the red baloon content and messages. Infine, nel changelog si legge anche un The best of prestige Generalized, not one maggiore reattività ai nostri commandi, come ad esempio il passaggio da una conversazione all’ltra.
The treatment, as expected, of the Militia alphabet which is essentially the graphic of the app of the app, but which, at the moment, is available for the simplest user with the beta version installed without proprietary disposition. Windows 11. To get the latest app from Microsoft Store and proceed with the latest app available.