WhatsApp is not only the world’s most famous free messaging application, but it is truly a part of our daily lives Through which we can not only communicate but also conduct our business. There is a lot of debate about whether you have to be always connected until now, but now there are millions of people who use it non-stop every day.
The convenience, and therefore the success of this app, lies not only in being able to chat with other users and groups, but also in sharing files and making calls and video calls, thanks only to an Internet connection on a smartphone.
Few people know that application WhatsApp was founded in California in 2009 Jan Koum and Brian Acton, by Yahoo! Purchased, in 2014, by Meta (owned by Mark Zuckerberg) with a maxi deal worth $19 billion.
We know WhatsApp by heart, at least we think. But in reality this is not the case, and this is demonstrated by the fact that there are often features that many ignore even exist and instead help us and greatly simplify the use of the app.
What if your WhatsApp account is stolen?
This is a question you might not expect, but it actually happens quite often. In fact, when we talk about losing someone’s account, we mainly think about social networks, but very little about WhatsApp. But it is not.
As with any application, and thanks to the advancement of technology in general, everything is clearly done to help the user protect himself against any type of computer attack, but it may not always be enough. Let’s keep in mind that updates, in the case of WhatsApp, can sometimes cause minor issues in other aspects of using the app, such as introducing a web version for PC.
its entrance WhatsApp WebIn fact, it has created a situation that is difficult for many to manage, and which can not only endanger the user’s privacy – due to the fact that the person from the PC who installed it may have access to another person’s number – but also open Ability to enter chat without needing to verify identity.
To avoid this problem, it is therefore important, in case of doubt, to disconnect the mobile phone directly from the devices that use WhatsApp. In fact, go to the three vertical dots located at the top right of the homepage, select the item Click on “Connected Device”, and “Disconnect”.
Pay attention to the verification code, steps
If in doubt Anyone can enter our WhatsApp identityOne can certainly use such an important tool SMS verification code, cIt is sent to your phone number and is used to unblock use of the app on a requesting device. This step is essential.
In fact, if we receive a request for verification code via SMS, and we do not request it, it may mean that someone else is taking over our account, or still wants to access our WhatsApp chat. Different devices. Never answer. But on the contrary, if you have doubts about a presence that has already been activated, just request verification using the code that comes through the message and enter automatically. Other linked accounts will be logged out.