Meta has rolled out a significant update for WhatsApp, which will see a major positive change in how Stories work. What will be changed?
Green app updates are always significant for one simple reason: they differ from other services in what they can add. It does not matter if they are functional or general corrections, because the result can be seen in any case. Now, WhatsApp will be updated again and this time it will bring some groundbreaking changes to what will be a leading application.
Specifically We will talk about other news Which not everyone expects and which is finally launched, especially since they are not seen every day. We believe it is important to talk about them because they affect all of our lives, so it is essential to be part of them: it concerns us closely. Furthermore, as if this is not enough, it is also important to see how the app improves or even changes.
WhatsApp Stories Takes Another Face: Discover All Current Improvements
Coming to the summary of the discussion, we would like to talk about some interesting news related to this comethis. There are quite a few to mention and not all of them are useful for different purposes, though it totally depends on us and above all what we want to do. Therefore, it means that in order to properly study the updates – for example see from the chatlog – you have your own opinion
First, know that shared patches will be associated with visible contacts for 24 hours and protected by end-to-end encryption, it will also be possible to change settings. State secrets Every time you update it. Thus we may decide, from time to time, of course, what contacts we disclose The last option is enabled by default, obviously.
Finally, know that voice statuses will have a maximum duration of 30 seconds, and the responses attributed to this will be a quick way to respond to story updates. We can use it Different emojis To do this, though, as Meta suggests is a feature specifically designed for conversation and not status. Are you satisfied with this change? They are not bad at all.