As is well known, WhatsApp It has become the world’s most popular form of chat communication, as millions of people can connect not only through text, but also through audio or video calls. However, there are users who want to keep their personal account separate from their professional account, and it seems the app’s creators are already taking that into account.
As mentioned by its CEO meta, Mark Zuckerberg, the option to have two application accounts on the same phone will be added soon, something that could expand communication by the clients in question. However, there is no confirmed date for such an update, with some estimated years, so it can be considered to be in the early stages of creation.
Here’s evidence that work is already underway:
Something to say is that you need a phone with a mandatory dual SIM card slot, so some models will be canceled and besides, famous brands like the iPhone are unlikely to include these two. Also, it’s interesting that they could be completely different accounts, or at least that’s what’s implied.
In related news WhatsApp, an alleged mass purge of users for breaking some of the platform’s rules was addressed. If you want to know more about this topic, we invite you to click on the following link.
Through: Facebook
Editor’s note: I don’t care if there is a chance to use two accounts, but I imagine people in their own companies would find it more useful. We will see if one day they include this interesting function.