According to some on social media President Trump is a racist who should have died from Covid-19 before it is the end of democracy, while Vice President Biden is a socialist who will bankrupt America.
Such sentiments are increasingly being shared across nearly all the social media platforms.
With just a month until the election, what little civility was left has gone out the window at this point and we can only expect the most outrageous comments in the next four weeks.
Elections have always brought out the worst in people – but this year the hyperbole, vicious and incendiary comments and just a general lack of decorum have reach levels like never before.
“It’s about profit and consequence and there is no longer any consequence for bad behavior,” said technology industry entrepreneur Lon Safko, author of The Social Media Bible.
“The election turns everything up to 11,” added technology industry analyst Josh Crandall of Netpop Research. “We are all anxious and discontented. The online forum is the only place people can feel comfortable to vent and, in a way, it’s a cathartic release for many.”
In normal times that release would be about venting off steam, but now the pressure is so high the venting is quite intense.
“Unfortunately, divisive tactics used by the mighty influencers on the extremes simply fan the fires by spreading spiteful and antagonistic memes,” noted Crandall. “These extreme voices have blazed a path that impacts others. It makes people think it’s ok to speak their minds out loud, when many simply shouldn’t.”
Over Turning The Fairness Doctrine
Social media isn’t the only culprit however. The great divisions in this country are fueled nightly by the commentaries on the cable news networks, where instead of a recap of the day’s events; the talking heads have clearly taken sides.
“Forty years ago, the only outlets were TV, radio, magazines, and newspapers and, there was the Fairness Doctrine of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), introduced in 1949, that required broadcaster/reporters to present controversial issues of public importance in a balanced, equitable, and honest manner,” explained Safko.
“The dissolution of that law in 1987 opened the door for one sided, partisan, editorial, self-serving rhetoric,” said Safko.
With it gone was the consequence of losing viewership/subscribers, hence revenue to have to play fairly with both sides.
“Before the invention of the Internet, you couldn’t afford to lose viewers/sponsors, specifically 50% or more of them through partisan content or offensive content,” noted Safko.
The Rise Of Social Media
Today with social media, it isn’t just the talking heads and the established pundits that are now debating politics. Even in the Internet age commentary on an election might have been limited to comments on a news story, but social media has given everyone a voice – and this has enabled a generation of social commentators to use the platform as a broadcast tool.
This is especially true of celebrities and influencers alike who have gained mass followings on Twitter and Instagram, and they can now share their opinions throughout the election. This is a significant consideration because back in the days before the cable TV celebrities generally stuck to talking about their projects such as movies or music.
Today, the celebrity has become a political pundit, and often times it based solely on their opinion. Perhaps too many celebrities are so used to playing well-educated characters on TV – and we watch them in those roles – they share their opinions and we listen!
But often times it is gut feelings and opinion, not fact that is being shared on social media platforms. Sadly, many politicians on both sides of the aisle are as guilty as using Twitter and other platforms as the soap box to reach an audience.
“I’m not sure that it’s brought out the worst in social media,” suggested Charles King, technology analyst at Pund-IT. “It’s more like the elemental design of social media guarantees that people can closely follow and support the groups and causes they prefer.”Â
“Add in the targeted ad technologies Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms rely on for revenues, and the result is that users effectively live in self-determined echo chambers that amplify their own prejudices, cut off from anyone with whom they might even slightly disagree,” added King. “Thus the road from social media to anti-social media is short and all too rocky.”
No Regulation
Social media has been called out for the spread of misinformation and even disinformation, and the lack of fact checking. But as bad is the lack of any regulation or oversight.
“With social media platforms technically not calling themselves media outlets, the lack of regulation, and the actual increase in revenue that outrageous and controversial content creates, Google, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, welcome discontent,” said Safko.
“Not to mention, how they support content that drives their own political agendas,” he added. “As the U.S. becomes more and more segregated into pachyderms and jackasses, the outlets pander to those specific groups serving them the type of content that they insist on. The more these outlets can escalate that content into vile and repulsive partisan rhetoric, the higher their viewership, the higher their ratings, and the higher their advertising revenues.”
As with most social issues, profit unfortunately drives this illicit behavior, and the lack of consequence allows it to flourish unchecked.
“And, with no responsibility or consequence whatsoever for the content of their users,” said Safko, “It’s ‘anything goes!'”